Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name      : mono-zeroconf
  Upstream Author   : Aaron Bockover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL               :
* License           : MIT-X11
  Description       : CLI library for multicast DNS service discovery

I plan to package mono-zeroconf and will upload the package soonish.

> Mono.Zeroconf is a cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library for
> Mono and .NET. It provides a unified API for performing the most common
> zeroconf operations on a variety of platforms and subsystems: all the
> operating systems supported by Mono and both the Avahi and
> Bonjour/mDNSResponder transports.
> By using Mono.ZeroConf developers can use a single API that will work
> regardless of the underlying implementation that a particular operating
> system uses.
> Developers can publish services that will be exposed to other computers on
> the network and also query the local machines on the network for services
> that could have been exposed.
> More information about Mono.Zeroconf can be found on its project page
> on the Mono Wiki:
> General information about Zero Configuration Networking:


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