
| what is the state of this? I also would like to use this package in
| Debian very much. I tried to compile from source, but I am getting an
| error, that paraview only compiles with QT 4.2, but in Debian there is
| QT 4.3.3. Did you succeed compiling it?
You have to go for the CVS version. The version I retrieved a few days ago 
from CVS works well with the Qt version in Debian.
I have the configuration relatively complete included MPI support (which I 
need, and paraview is not distributed which mpi support on paraview.org)
Now I need to create the package.

Best regards
Christophe Prud'homme
Université Joseph Fourier     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LJK - Room 55                  Tel: +33476635497
51, rue des Mathématiques      Fax: +33476631263
BP53X 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9   

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