Hey, Damyan!

Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> Thanks for the heads up. I hope to resolve this this month.

That would be very nice. keep in mind the release freeze is schedueled
in only 6 weeks!

> It seems that upstream is unwilling to thange the name and I am not
> willing to fork, so we'll go with "gbgoffice" for the name no mater
> how bad it sounds.

Q: Why did teh chicken cross the road?
A: Because upstream said so


Yes, upstreams are sometimes very stubborn.

> The package is ready and "only" needs to be reviewed for current
> policy compliance etc.

Again, let me know if tehre's any help needed here.

This has to be fixed asap, or gbgoffice will not be a part of Lenny.

  ยท''`.    Moi je voudrais bien, un beau matin, qu'il y ait
 : :' :                           une fleur dans mon jardin
 `. `'                                         -- Manu Chao 
   `-  Proudly running (unstable) Debian GNU/Linux

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