* Monty Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-18 14:02-0500]:
> I have fixed most of these things... (might have missed one or two) and
> uploaded to mentors.debian.net...

Sorry to take so long to get back to you on this. I've looked over the
package again and its looking really good. I've got a few comments

> >> I need to update this to a later version - but this would be ok for now
> >> I think.
> > 
> > If there is a newer version available, lets do that at the same time,
> > probably best to get the latest and greatest in all at once, no?
> > Although, it looks like you've been pulling from the SVN trunk, and the
> > Sphinx page says that r1112 is pretty much a release, except for out of
> > date documentation.

Looks like you updated to the svn r1112... but I took so long to get
back to you, Sphinx-0.9.8-rc1 (r1198; Mar 06, 2008) is out now, and this one
is being called the stable beta... Since it may take a while to get this
through NEW, maybe it should be bumped again? 

> > Specific notes on the package:
> > 
> > . README.Debian needs to be filled out

Looks like you removed it, thats fine.

> > . the version numbers in the changelog are long and ubuntuy, but I think
> > it makes sense to denote the svn revision, maybe change those to debian
> > in the debian branch (version 0.9.8-0u buntu3~svn985 has a space in the
> > version number, which is not legal... maybe you want to fix that?)

Looks taken care of.

> > . I know the upstream home page has as their description of Sphinx "Free
> > open-source SQL full-text search engine", but what about changing it to
> > be a little more descriptive, such as, "Fast standalone full-text SQL
> > search engine" or similar? The "Free open-source" part of the
> > description is what gets me...


> > . Longer description shouldn't reference the license in the first
> > paragraph, just cut that first part out. In the second paragraph,

Both look good now.

> > . I made a couple minor cosmetic changes to debian/rules, I've attached
> > a diff to this email
> > 
> > . I notice that there is a daemon (searchd), but you are not providing
> > an initscript for it, there should be one created and it should be
> > named after the package (perhaps a cronjob is needed as well?)

Last I recall you were waiting for someone to provide an initscript,
have you heard anything about this? If it doesn't look like its coming
soon, what would you like to do? From my basic understanding of Sphinx
the daemon needs to be running to be useful and a regular cronjob
needs to be run to rebuild the index.

> > The sphinx.conf file. There isn't one being generated with some sane
> > defaults and put into /etc/sphinx.conf (perhaps considering putting
> > some defaults in /etc/defaults/sphinxsearch?).

Now there are no config files installed at all? I can't find anything in
/etc/defaults, /etc/sphinxsearch, or /etc -- if you try to start searchd
like this, you get:

FATAL: no readable config file (looked in /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf,

> > The config also has /var/log/searchd.log created, maybe that should be
> > /var/log/sphinxsearch.log, or maybe /var/log/sphinxsearch/searchd.log
> > would be better.
> > The default location for the PID file in the config is:
> > @CONFDIR@/log/searchd.pid
> > 
> > That should be /var/run/searchd.pid

Not sure whats going on with these as there is no config now... and
there is no log created either.

> > I do notice however that /var/lib/sphinx-search is created, when that
> > probably should be /var/lib/sphinxsearch to correspond to the package name.
> > Also /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data should be created, as that is used.

Looks like these are resolved, great.

Something I noticed on package build:
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/sphinxsearch/usr/bin/searchd shouldn't be 
linked with libz.so.1 (it uses none of its symbols).

Whats up with that?

Finally, something unrelated to the actual packaging, but I did notice
that there were quite a few warnings that were generated during
compilation in sid. You might want to send some of these upstream to get
things cleaned up so that sphinxsearch will continue to build against
the latest compilers, for example:

sphinxmetaphone.cpp: In function ‘int ProcessCode(int, int, CurrentWord_t&, 
sphinxmetaphone.cpp:337: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 
sphinxmetaphone.cpp:337: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 

In file included from sphinxexpr.cpp:392:
sphinxexpryy.cpp: In function ‘int yyparse(ExprParser_t*)’:
sphinxexpryy.cpp:1214: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 
sphinxexpryy.cpp:1218: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 
sphinxexpryy.cpp:1332: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 

sphinxstd.h: In function ‘DWORD sphF2DW(float)’:
sphinxstd.h:178: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break 
strict-aliasing rules

sphinxstd.h: In function ‘float sphDW2F(DWORD)’:
sphinxstd.h:181: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break 
strict-aliasing rules



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