On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 15:35 +0200, Teemu Ikonen wrote:
> On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 6:27 PM, Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've put a brief start (6 of the 536 directories in ros/src) in:
> > http://www.opennovation.org/audits/opencascade-6.2.txt and will update
> > it as I and others work through this.  But before proceeding further, my
> > big question is: does this need any more information than it has?
> > Obviously the debian/copyright file will need the full text of all of
> > the licenses, but that's another matter.
> May I suggest using the machine readable copyright format described at
> http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat from the start? Since
> the audit is going to be a huge task, it would be good to document it
> in as formal way as possible. I made a partial conversion of the
> current audit (files, copyright and license sections only) to this
> format. You can find it attached to this mail.

Terrific, this is exactly why I sent this so early.  I think we can
probably simplify the file a bit by grouping a bunch of directories
together with similar copyrights and licenses.  Ah, "Match order" will
make this a lot easier, for the final copyright file.

Is there no way to distinguish other/free licenses from other/non-free?
I'll propose this...

I'll change the copyright file to this format for my next upload.

> > Also, I built a new package based on the OpenBSD .tar.bz2 sources.  This
> > includes the audit file as debian/audit.txt and I'd like to make it the
> > basis of future packages.  One little hitch: as a Format 3.0 source
> > package, I don't think it can be uploaded before the lenny release
> > (because stable has to be able to unpack unstable sources).
> At least it works well here with the dpkg from lenny. Looking at the
> size of the source package and the potential problems with missing
> licenses etc. I don't think the upload to the archive will happen very
> soon :)

Indeed!  This .tar.bz2 is about half the size of my original .tar.gz,
and has about 20-30% fewer files, which is a good thing.  There are
separate FreeBSD tarballs for Java and other pieces of OCC, and gentoo
is using them for their packages too.

By the way, speaking of size, would anyone mind if I drop the static
libs from the -dev package?  They are enormous, they double the build
time and more than double the storage requirement, and I don't think
they are so important.

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