Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sebastian Castillo Builes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Package name     : arpon
* URL              :
* License          : BSD-2
  Programming Lang : C
  Description      :   Arp handler inspectiON
 ArpON (Arp handler inspectiON) is a portable handler daemon
 with some nice tools to handle all ARP aspects.
 It makes Arp a bit safer, using two kinds of anti Arp Poisoning
  * SARPI - Static Arp Inspection
  * DARPI - Dynamic Arp Inspection
 Common tools fighting ARP poisoning usually limit their
 activity only to point out the problem instead of blocking it.
 ArpON does it using SARPI and DARPI policies.
 You can use ArpON to pentest some switched/hubbed LAN
 with/without DHCP protocol.
 You can disable the daemon in order to use the tools
 to poison the ARP Cache.
 ArpON is a tool born to make Arp secure in order to avoid
 Arp Spoofing/Poisoning & co.
 And better: It doesn't affect the communication efficiency
 of the ARP protocol!

Sebastián Castillo Builes
Projects Engineer
Fluidsignal Group S.A.
Where security meets business
ISO 9001:2000
ISO/IEC 27001:2005
Phone: +57 (4) 3522627
Mobile: +57 3008242145

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