> On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 18:21 -0500, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Do you think you could put the "or" into the package name;
> > e.g. "coinorutils"?  
> > 
> > When I read the title, I assumed it was related to the Coin libraries
> > (www.coin3d.org), which are in Debian as libcoin40-runtime, etc.
> I learned about coin3d when some coin3d user ended up asking questions
> on the coin-or mailinglist. Yes, great name clash. Thinking about it -
> it seems to be a good idea to do prefix all package names with coinor,
> e.g. coinor-utils, coinor-clp, coinor-osi etc, though I don't think it
> will help the confusion much as long as the coin3d packages have a
> generic coin name :(

I guess one of them will need to change their SONAMEs, because -lCoin will
definitely cause trouble (note that for some reason, both coin3d and coin-or
decided to use uppercase library names...).

If it's first come first serve, coin-or will be the one to change.

BTW, Soeren, if you need any help at this or any later point in
packaging/maintaining COIN-OR, please feel free to ping me. I've mainly been
using COIN-OR, but liked it a lot, and seeing it packaged would take some burden
off of some of my software projects.


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