On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 11:22:26PM +0200, Cristian Greco wrote:

> I'd like to package this piece of software for Debian. I'll work on it.

I'm working on pacpl package:

- I packaged two perl dependencies not yet included in Debian
  (libaudio-musepack-perl and libaudio-wma-perl);
- I sent upstream three patches which would really help Debian packaging
  (but they are also useful for other distros): fix Makefile default
  installation directories and uninstall target, fix a lintian warning
  about manpage, and other small changes. I also convinced him to move
  .po translation files from /etc to a better path. He seems very

As now, I'm waiting for upstream to release version 4.0.3 including
these changes.


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