On 12-Sep-2008, Ben Finney wrote:
> On 11-Sep-2008, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> > I am also interested in working to co-maintain the package. Me and 
> > Leonardo were working on installing it on our servers yesterday 
> > while he worked on packaging.
> Great. I hope my existing packaging work (as uploaded to 
> mentors.debian.net) is useful to you both.

I have done some work on making Gracie's packaging operate better.

There is now a new "upstream" release (version 0.2.7) of Gracie at 
<URL:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/gracie/>, which reduces the "clever" 
setuptools rules to allow the Debian tools to do their job better.

> I would be happy to work with you both, and would be very pleased if 
> you (Gustavo) could sponsor uploads.

If you're still interested in sponsoring uploads, the new package is 
now uploaded to debian mentors. You can get it with:

    $ dget 

> I will set up a Bazaar repository in the Alioth collab-maint 
> project, and we can use that as the central VCS repository for both 
> an upstream mirror and the Debian packaging work.

The VCS repository is now active on Alioth, with separate branches for 
"upstream" source and Debian packaging.

    $ bzr branch bzr+ssh://bzr.debian.org/bzr/collab-maint/gracie/gracie.devel/
    $ bzr branch bzr+ssh://bzr.debian.org/bzr/collab-maint/gracie/gracie.debian/

 \          “Writing a book is like washing an elephant: there no good |
  `\        place to begin or end, and it's hard to keep track of what |
_o__)                              you've already covered.” —anonymous |

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