-=| Ben Hutchings, Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 01:40:12AM +0000 |=-
> On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 12:23 +0200, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> [...]
> >   The Test::NeedsDisplay module will search around and try to find a way
> >   to load some sort of display that can be used for the testing.
> > 
> > Test-NeedsDisplay is needed during Padre build. Will be maintained under
> > the umbrella of the Debian Perl Group.
> Really?  You can't use xvfb-run?

I do use it. Test-NeedsDisplay in fact does nothing if there is 
display already running, and if not, starts... xvfb-run.

The tests of padre, however, are written in such a form, that they 
delegate the task of detecting a running display to Test-NeedsDisplay. 
If that module is not available, the tests are skipped, despite the 
presence of display.

I agree with upstream that the task of ensuring there is display 
running is better separated. It seems easy when you consider only X, 
but these things are supposed to also run on alien O$-es with no X. 
While not of much relevance to us, we have not taken over the world, 
yet :)

I had the choices to either
 - let the tests be skipped
 - patch upstream to just look for $ENV{DISPLAY} or remove the check 
 - package Test-NeedsDisplay module

Skipping the tests is not really an option to me. I want all available 
automated help when building the package.

Patching would make me carry a set of patches that would never be 
accepted upstream -- something I'd like to avoid.

So I went with the third option.

I hope you are now convinced that this package is needed?

dam            JabberID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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