Subject: ITP: nox -- nox -- Meta package
Package: wnpp
Owner: Frank Lin PIAT <>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : nox
  Version         : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Frank Lin PIAT <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: n.a
  Description     : nox -- Meta packages
    No-X is a suite of shell tools, either command line or Curses based,
    that are useful for people that don't use X-Window.
    Binary packages:
     - nox-base, depends on the most common command line tools, that are
       suitable for most systems (desktop and servers).
     - nox-desktop-environment, which is very complete No-X metapackage for
       desktop user. It attempts to provides many functionality provided by
       graphical desktop environnements, but only text and ncurse based.
     - fb-desktop-environment is similar to above, but also have some graphical
       progams (using framebuffer... not for vt100 terminals ;-)
     - nox-base provides a reduced set of tools that many users might want
       to add to a standard system.
     - nox-system-tools provides a large set of tools, suitable on both
       end-users systems and servers.
     - nox-server-tools provides a set of tools, that one probably want on
       a servers.
     - nox-network-clients depends on many usual network tools and clients.

The idea comes from wiki pages like where 
visitors/contributors seems to like to install some extra command-line tools.

The current debian/control draft is included below. The current dependencies
on package with priority=standard are going to go away (like "less"), unless
there are useful alternatives in which case It might depends on either (?).


---- debian/control ----

Source: nox
Section: misc
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Frank Lin PIAT <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
Standards-Version: 3.7.3

Package: nox-base
Architecture: all
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, mc, aptitude, screen, less, 
w3m|elinks|links|w3mmee|html2text, curl|wget, vim-nox|emacs|editor, 
mutt|cone|alpine, bc, tree, gzip, bzip2, unzip, acl, attr, rsync
Recommends: nox-network-clients, lsb-core, genisoimage, wodim|dvd+rw-tools, 
parted, file, man, info, p7zip|p7zip-full
Suggests: unrar|unrar|p7zip-rar
Description: Metapackage with regular command line tools for No-X users.
 No-X is a suite of shell tools, either command line or Curses based,
 that are useful for people that don't use X-Window.
 This package depends on the most common command line tools, that are
 suitable for most systems (desktop and servers).
 See also:
  * nox-desktop-environment, which is very complete No-X metapackage for
    desktop user. It attempts to provides many functionality provided by
    graphical desktop environnements, but only text and ncurse based.
  * fb-desktop-environment is similar to above, but also have some graphical
    progams (using framebuffer... not for vt100 terminals ;-)
  * nox-base provides a reduced set of tools that many users might want
    to add to a standard system.
  * nox-system-tools provides a large set of tools, suitable on both
    end-users systems and servers.
  * nox-server-tools provides a set of tools, that one probably want on
    a servers.
  * nox-network-clients depends on many usual network tools and clients.

Package: nox-desktop-environement
Architecture: all
Depends: nox-base, nox-network-clients, dvtm, irssi|irc|finch, 
xpdf-utils|pdftohtml, lbdb|bbdb|abook, xlhtml, wv, ppthtml, aview|fbi, sc|oleo, 
vlock, lpr, ispell, mlocate, cdw, cmus|herrie|ncmpc|moc, snownews|newsbeuter
Recommends: pmount, hal, dict-client, dosfstools
Suggests: fb-desktop-environment, gpm, ntfs-3g, udftools, linphone-nox
Description: Metapackage with command line tools for nox "Desktop" users.
  nox-desktop-environment, which is very complete No-X metapackage for
  desktop user. It attempts to provides many functionality provided by
  graphical desktop environnements, but based on text and ncurse.
 See also:
  - Othe packages that depends on libslang2 or libaa1, libncursesw5 
  - fb-desktop-environement, is similar, but use framebuffer.
  - some avahi tools
  - openoffice ; ms word
  - cnetwork-manager (needs to be tested and ITP'd)

Package: fb-desktop-environment
Architecture: all
Depends: nox-base, nox-desktop-environement, nox-network-clients, 
nox-system-tools, directvnc, fbi, xine-console|mplayer
Suggests: linuxvnc
Description: Metapackage with Framebuffer based desktop environement.
 fb-desktop-environment is similar to above, but also have some graphical
 progams (using framebuffer... not VT100 terminals ;-)
 Frame-buffer based desktop environnement.
 See also:
  - Other packages that depends on libdirectfb-1.0-0
  - nox-desktop-environement, is similar, but don't use framebuffer.
  - suggest qingy?

Package: nox-system-tools
Architecture: all
Depends: nox-base, psmisc, pciutils|lshw|discover|hwinfo|hal, 
usbutils|lshw|discover|hwinfo|hal, lsscsi|lshw|discover|hwinfo|hal, eject, 
htop, iotop, iftop, ethtool, 
Recommends: sudo
Suggests: e2fsprogs, xfsprogs, jfsutils, reiserfsprogs, reiser4progs
Description: Metapackage with system command line tools for nox users.
 <insert long description, indented with spaces>

Package: nox-server-tools
Architecture: all
Depends: nox-base, molly-guard
Recommends: apt-listchanges, ssh-server, logcheck, apt-cron
Suggests: nox-network-clients, opie-server
Description: Metapackage with command line tools for nox server admins.
 <insert long description, indented with spaces>

Package: nox-network-clients
Architecture: all
Depends: nox-base, smbclient, ssh-client, nfs-client, ftp|ncftp|lftp, 
w3m|elinks|links|w3mmee, net-tools, ntpdate, whois, mutt|alpine|cone, dnsutils, 
net-tools, ping, tcptraceroute|traceroute
Recommends: ldap-client, netcat, irssi|irc|finch
Suggests: nox-system-tools, wireless-tools, wpasupplicant, slrn|tin|cone, 
telnet, tftp|tftp-hpa, tcpdump|tshark, finger
Description: Metapackage with networking command line tools for nox users.
 <insert long description, indented with spaces>
  - other candidate packages: network-manager "client", avahi
  - unstable: add wicd??
 linuxvnc  is too unsecure to be Suggested.

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