Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I request for an adopter for the packages pkspxy

Description: PGP Public Key Server Proxy Daemon
 This package implements a caching proxy to be used between any
 program which speaks the HKP protocol for PGP public key exchange,
 and any HKP-capable key server (this will probably be pks).

and pkspxyc

Description: PGP Public Key Server Proxy Client
 pkspxyc is the "smart" client to be used with the PKS proxy server.
 More generally, it can be used as a HKP client with almost any PGP
 key server.

I myself do not use these programs any longer and the popcon shows me,
that nearly nobody else uses these packages.

So I think they can be removed from the archive and shouldn't go into
squeeze unless somebody is interested in the package and takes over



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