Seems to me that Broadcom Inc. does really allow Debian to
re-distribute the included firmware explicitly.


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Datum: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 05:02:23 -0700
Betreff: [CASE#221365]:  Closed - need firmware files

Update Time: Apr  9 2009  5:00AM PST/PDT

Field: Status
Old Value: Resolved
New Value: Closed

Apr  2 2009  1:21PM PST/PDT
Our Linux driver as a whole is released under GPL license; therefore, I
don't see any issue with re-distributing the driver.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Apr  2 2009 12:00PM PST/PDT
So can you please clarify that to me and especially to the Debian
Maintainers: Is the Debian project allowed to redistribute the firmware
included in your drivers?

Anyway, what would stand against the right to re-distribute firmware
for a product/device that is already property of the customer who
bought it?

kind regards

Daniel Knabl   
PGP/GPG Fingerprint - please send signed mail only
A069 671B 39F2 E9B9 FB34  68BB 4BEC 1344 C8A4 3F0B

Apr  2 2009 10:35AM PST/PDT
These micro-codes are embedded into our drivers, we do not provide
these separately.

Project: NIC Tech
Product: BCM5906
Item: Linux 32
Status: Closed
Requester: Daniel Knabl <>
Company: Broadcom Corporation
Req. Priority: Low

Summary: need firmware files

Debian does not provide firmware files, because they are not provided
with source code which is necessary because of GPL. please provide the
following firmware: tso-1.4.0, tg3_tso5.bin, tg3_tso.bin, tg3.bin

Operating System: Linux 32
Additional OS Info: Debian Lenny 5.0
System Model: Lenovo 3000 N200
Device Type: On Board
Driver Version: 3.92.1
Ethernet Controller: BCM5906

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Daniel Knabl   
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A069 671B 39F2 E9B9 FB34  68BB 4BEC 1344 C8A4 3F0B

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