<quote who="Romain Beauxis" date="Thu, May 14, 2009 at 04:08:16PM +1100">
> Unfortunately this work cannot be done by the mediawiki packaging team..
> The team is currently composed on a single active developper, me, and I feel 
> I 
> have enough work with the current packages.
> However, I would be very happy to add any interested contributor to the team.

I currently maintain another Mediawiki Perl and library and application
so I would probably be a good candidate. I could do it too in a couple
weeks. Of course, if there is a person who is actively using it already,
they would be a better candidate. Anyone?


Benjamin Mako Hill

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto

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