retitle 531038 ITP: python-repoze.tm2 -- Zope-like transaction manager via WSGI 

[ adding back the ITP bug log to Cc:, full quote to its benefit ]

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 06:48:08PM +0200, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> Hello Zack,
> * 2009-05-29 14:20, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> > * Package name    : python-repoze-tm2
> repoze.tm2 depends on transaction, which is a python module which will be
> packaged very soon by the Debian/Ubuntu Zope team as the result of the
> splitting of the old monolithic zope3 package.

Indeed, I was just going to ITP it :-), but I'll refrain then. Please
do so, so that we can keep track of the work. In the meantime, I'll
package tm2, assuming transaction will be called
"python-transaction". Please let me know when you have draft packages,
so that I can better test all the stack up to TG2.

> More details about this splitting and how it will affect reverse
> dependencies will be send out in an announcement to debian-python,
> but the general rule is that we are trying to keep the naming of the
> python module as linked as possible with their setuptools name.
> For example, zope.interface will have a source file called
> zope.interface and a binary package called python-zope.interface. I
> would suggest to apply the same rules to these packages, calling the
> binary python-repoze.tm2.

OK, I'll do the renaming both in the source and in the binary package.
Thanks for the heads up.


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
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Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...........| ..: |.... Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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