On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 05:13:06PM +0000, brian m. carlson wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 05:34:44PM +1000, Paul Bone wrote:
> > * Package name    : mercury
> >   Version         : 0.13.1-rotd20090725
> >   Upstream Author : Mercury Group <merc...@csse.unimelb.edu.au>
> > * URL             : http://www.mercury.csse.unimelb.edu.au/
> > * License         : GPL2
> >   Programming Lang: Mercury
> >   Description     : The Mercury programming system, a pure 
> > logical/functional programming language.
> This used to be in Debian some time ago, because I remember trying to
> work on the package for some reason.  I believe that it is
> self-hosting[0], which may be a problem, except that it supposedly comes
> with a C version of the compiler as well.  To make life easy for porters,
> I'd request that you always build the C compiler and then, if you want
> to, bootstrap the Mercury compiler from that.
> If I'm remembering incorrectly, or that's no longer the case, feel free
> to disregard this.

This is mostly correct.  Mercury is indeed self-hosting and was
previously included in Debian.  Mercury has a number of different
backends two of these target C, high-level C and low-level C.  The
Mercury source distribution includes C intermediate files for the
standard library and compiler generated by the low-level C backend,
these can be compiled with GCC to generate binaries which can be used to
bootstrap an installation by re-compiling the Mercury sources.

I have a working Debian package that builds and bootstraps Mercury from
the source distribution.  It requires gcc-3.4 as a build-depend and is
able to bootstrap itself so that the resulting binaries are optimal on
32bit and 64bit machines (the explanation involves a discussion of
tagged pointers).

I hope that this will be acceptable by the Debian project and that
distributing intermediate files in the .orig.tar.gz file is not a

Mercury should build from the Debian source package equally as well as
it can build from the upstream source distribution on all architectures.
Cross-compilation should not be necessary.

See also the list of supported architectures here:

I hope this helps.  If you have any more questions please let us know.


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