Lucas Nussbaum schrieb:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Lucas Nussbaum <>
> * Package name    : ubuntu-dev-tools
>   Version         : 0.75
>   Upstream Author : Ubuntu developers
> * License         : Mix. GPLv{2,3} (or later)?
>   Programming Lang: mostly python, some shell
>   Description     : useful tools for Ubuntu developers
> Currrent long description of the package in Ubuntu (might be improved):
>  This is a collection of useful tools that Ubuntu developers use to make
>  their packaging work a lot easier.
>  .
>  Such tools can include bug filing, build rebuilding, packaging
>  preparation and package analysis, among other things.
> This package is similar to devscripts, and some of the scripts it
> contains could probably be moved to devscripts. But it also provides
> scripts that are useful to Ubuntu developers when running Debian, and
> even to Debian developers. For example, requestsync would allow Debian
> developers to request syncs (unmodified copies) if their debian packages
> to Ubuntu, and pull-lp-source is a dget wrapper that allows to download
> source packages from launchpad.

        I've found myself struggling to get the requestsync part working on my
System (I've not much of Ubuntu around, pbuilder chroot on my system
mostly). I really appreciate having this in Debian!

> I would appreciate co-maintainers that package. In fact, if someone
> wants to do all the work and maintain it by himself, I'm fine with that.

        Count me in as a co-maintainer. I won't do that on my own though.

> Packaging ubuntu-dev-tools requires packaging some dependencies first:
> - python-launchpadlib (Launchpad web services client library)
> - python-wadllib (Python library for navigating WADL files)
> - python-httplib2 (HTTP client library ; currently packaged but outdated
>   in Debian)
> - Lucas



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