Hi Torsten,

Thanks for looking over Passenger, and thanks for noticing some missing
copyright/license information! Sorry that those were not included.

* Torsten Werner <ftpmas...@debian.org> [2009-08-18 15:54-0400]:
> Hi Maintainer,
> rejecting because the copyright file is missing license and copyright
> information for most of the vendor packages. For example:
>  ext/nginx/* (eg. Manlio Perillo)
>  ext/common/* (eg. René Nyffenegger)
>  test/stub/rails_apps/mycook/public/javascripts/*.js (eg. Fuchs)
>  ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp (eg. scgi & CNRI license)

I've just finished going through all the files and updated the copyright
document with all the missing pieces (everything you noted above was
added, plus several more).

I've uploaded a new version with these fixes just now.


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