On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 11:36:36PM +0200, Mats Erik Andersson wrote:
> Hello,
> it is no mandatory need to link mbuffer against libcrypto/OpenSSL.
> The problem is that the upstream source Thomas Maier-Komor
> made a mistake in "configure.in", in specifying the reverse
> check order for the intended order of preference (he explicitely
> writes this order in the documentation)
>     libmhash, libmd5, and libcrypto.

Yes, this is one way indeed.  I seem to have overlooked it, thanks!

> I submitted a remark and patch about this fact to the upstream
> source two days ago, and I have produced an almost lintian
> clean (modulo NMU etc.) package of mbuffer that links against
> libmhash, contrary to the a priori outcome of the tar-ball.
> Thus it is now fairly strightforward to produce an GPL-ed
> package "mbuffer". It is a question of regeneration with
> autotools.

...however, I already created a GPL'd Debian package of mbuffer by
simply using GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL :)


...and I sent an RFS to the mentors list two weeks ago:


I've been dealing with a couple of orphaned and RFA'd packages since,
so I have not resent the RFS; I just did, though.

Still, thanks for your work - it might be simpler to just use mhash
instead of GnuTLS in a future version of the package, since mbuffer
only needs the MD5 routines, no SSL or anything.


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net    r...@space.bg    r...@freebsd.org
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