On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:16:21PM +0100, juliane De Moerlooze wrote:
> hello
> I answer late but I wanted first to have the meeting with our
> Brussels group : les samedies, also described as "women and free
> software"
> http://samedi.collectifs.net/
> none of us is actually developer but we absolutely worked with free
> software, as admin, end users, web designers, graphist designer,
> artists ..., and we have an experimental server.  Individually we
> are interested in different lectures at the Fosdem.
> we are glad to learn that there will be a BoF about women and
> distribution, or whatever title - (I lost the thread )
> we can help a while as we live in Brussels : we are not involved in
> the fosdem organization but if you need some spare hands for
> diffusion, or specifics in Brussels, (perhaps good tips, spare
> parts, computer stuff addresses ...or nice cafés addresses)    we
> are eager to help
> and at least we will meet you in your BoF !!
> best regards
> Juliane
> an old feminist

Hi Juliane,
sadly we haven't been able to organize a $distro-women BoF at the FOSDEM for
this year. Some of us will be probably there, and there will be a Debian booth
and some talks by Debian Developers and contributors.
Personally, due to some health problems, I will not be there.
I'm very sorry for this misunderstanding and I hope we could organize
something next year!


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