Hi Ulrike,

Thank you very much for your notes.

Regarding DW/DD:

> It was also explicitly stated that a merge would not mean deprecating
> Debian Women, per se. It feels as though the major activities is
> holding the occasional DW Mini DebConf, the DW lunch, and
> occasionally chatting (or dealing with trolls) on IRC. So, events 
> could easily still have a DW lunch, but could also have a Debian 
> Queer/LGBTQI+ lunch.

I feel that we have too many lists and channels already with low
traffic, Maybe we could use a single communication channel to coordinate
DW lunch, or Debian Queer/LGBTQI+ lunch, or even newcomers lunch.

On 08/11/2018 08:53 AM, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
> Hi!
> El 11 de agosto de 2018 13:32:00 CEST, u <u...@451f.org> escribió:
>> Hi!
>> Molly de Blanc:
>>> COME JOIN THE OUTREACH TEAM! Please. Please please please. We'll
>>> be gearing up for submitting our application for the next round
>>> of Outreachy soon enough (!!!), and having more people involved
>>> would be
>> great.
>>> I'd love to see DW/DD and the Outreach team collaborate on other 
>>> mentorship initiatives as well.
>>> If people are interested in talking about any of this mentorship
>> stuff
>>> in the near term, we can plan some IRC meetings.

I really want to help, but I am too busy this month, but probably next
month I'll be able to help here.

I would like to help to organize a set of task for volunteers, things
that I remember:

- Help to automate publishing new rounds to mailing lists
- Help to organize meetings between the participants / mentors / organizers
- Help to organize an Outreachy sprint (?)
- Help with fund raising
- Become a mentor / co-mentor
- ... (?)

>> Let's do that.
>> I think I would not be able to provide long term mentorship to
>> anybody because I am too busy with other things. But: I'd happily
>> be a point of contact for all sorts of questions, like "What do I
>> need to do in order to $XYZ?" "Who can I talk to about $ABC?" etc.
>> Or could there be a private mailing list for such questions?
>> Private so that people dare to ask?
> For that, for now, we have the welcome team and its page and
> subpages:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Welcome
> And the irc channel #debian-welcome

Quick help here:

"#debian-welcome: Cannot join channel (Need to be identified and
verified to join this channel"

I am already identified, how can I do the "verified" part?

Also, shouldn't the channel be easy for newcomers to join?

> Please join the channel, add yourself to the wiki to let people know
that you are available and for what:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Welcome
>> My personal feeling is that we need a list of useful things for 
>> newcomers, and I'd like to (collaboratively) work on that. For
>> example: How do I use the BTS? Where can I learn more about
>> packaging? How can I get involved in a team? Which team needs help?
>> Which bugs could I work on? Where can I retrieve all sorts of
>> information about packages? How can I see who maintains a package
>> and contact them? Links to interesting parts of Debian: Autodeb,
>> Debtags, UDD… etc.
> We also have:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/NewbieTasks

I really list this task list, I didn't know about the newcomer tag, this
is a great thing (/me needs to start using it).
The page mention about the project in the pov of the organizers, maybe
it would be nice to have a page in the newcomers pov e.g. a newcomer
won't know what is a tag in BTS (or maybe this page already exists and I
didn't find it?)

> And
> https://www.debian.org/intro/help
nice, maybe this is the right place to teach newcomers about the BTS tag.

> Cheers
>> During the lunch we talked about reviewing/writing a newcomer page
>> and this kind of stuff could go in there.
>> I guess we could make that happen by scheduling one 2-hour or two 
>> 1-hour collaborative working session(s) over pad or Gobby… Sometime
>> in September?

This would be great.

Regarding the "new to DebConf" sessions, I think it is a great idea to
have something for newcomers, not only for diversity but for the general
I believe it is more suitable for DebCamp or Open Day.
This was discussed during the minidebconf in Brazil (we had some
complains in how to welcome newcomers) and now we have a team role for
that in dc19

Regarding mentorship besides Outreachy, I would like to help on that
(but as I mentioned I am too busy this month, but I hope to start
helping with this soon).


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