CVSROOT: /cvs/webwml Module name: webwml Changes by: dogsleg 18/02/06 05:45:06
Added files: english/security/2016: dsa-3582.wml Log message: [DSA 3582-1] expat security update Modified files: english/consultants: Added files: english/consultants: a_r_sanchez.wml Log message: Add Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez to the list, as requested. Added files: french/security/2017: dsa-3818.wml dsa-3819.wml Log message: (fr) initial translation Modified files: danish/misc : merchandise.wml Log message: SynC Added files: danish/security/2017: dsa-3954.wml dsa-3955.wml dsa-3956.wml Log message: Initial translations Added files: russian/security/2007: dsa-1270.wml Log message: (Russian) Initial translation