CVSROOT: /cvsroot/webwml Module name: webwml Changes by: foka 11/04/03 06:09:28
Modified files: english/international/Polish: index.wml polish/international/Polish: index.wml Log message: Create an anchor for translation section. Modified files: chinese : social_contract.wml Log message: Correct spacing problem due to incorrect line-wrapping. Change document name: from "åèªç±è»ä»¶ç¤¾ç¾¤ç°½ä¸ç社群å¥ç´" (a contract "signed" "to" the community) to "èèªç±è»ä»¶ç¤¾ç¾¤è¨ç«ç¤¾ç¾¤å¥ç´" (a contract "made" "with" the community) Other minor translation revisions to make it more natural in Chinese -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact