On Monday 09 May 2005 02:25, Frédéric Bothamy wrote:
> Thanks, I wonder if there is a way to update translation-check for
> translation files without actually changing the english file (since it
> has already been changed) using smart_change.pl...


sorry, I didn't read your message earlier, so I already committed the 
remaining translations for this file. Didn't want to hijack your 
work ... :)

I doubt that you could use smart_change.pl for this, but there's no need for 
it. You can just use perl itself, here's my recipe (executed from the 
webwml root directory):

$ perl -i -pe 's/translation="1.64"/translation="1.66"/'
$ cvs diff */releases/potato/index.wml
$ cvs ci */releases/potato/index.wml




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