On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 11:42:02PM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> On 18 Mar 2001 10:32:12 +1100, Glenn McGrath wrote:
> > Brian Russo wrote:
> > >
> > > I have not met him in real life, or even known him long
> > > via irc, however my consistent image of him is not one
> > > of trust, nor maturity, but well..
> > 
> > I have met him in real life at a key signing party with 5 or 6 other
> > developers, he seemed to get along well with everyone, he gave me the
> > impression that he was very mature for his age and motivated to work
> > with the debian community.
> > 
> > Im not in a position to judge his technical knowledge though.
> I must admit I got a shock when I saw a thread with my name in it in the
> archives ...

I thought you wanted your name in lights..

> In case the rest of you are not aware, I have withdrawn my NM
> application. Basically,
> I am a) too busy, and there was b) no chance in hell of passing "elmo's
> fuckwit filter",
> and c) he ignored every single email I ever sent him. I don't get on
> well with Brian,
> because I jumped into #debian-devel, and got abused by him within 30sec
> of joining.
> Most of it about how much of a "fuckwit" I was, and how every DD was a
> "fuckwit"
> according to me, etc. Which gave me the shits, so I grew my /ignore list
> by one. He
> didn't like it ... tough; that's what you get when you're being as much
> of a moron as he
> was that night. *shrug*

That's a very interesting exaggeration.
"Most of it about how much of a fuckwit I was"
I don't recall ever saying that..

"30 seconds" Unless my clock shifted 10 minutes, I don't ever
recall even addressing you much less 'abusing within 30sec'

While I don't deny that later on, I got quite annoyed with you,
to say that I "jumped on you and abused you" is uh.. interesting..

00:14] *** DanielS has joined #Debian-Devel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[00:24] <DanielS> if you want to know why, do a search for Daniel Stone NM in 
the -devel archives :)
[00:25] <wolfie> ohh
[00:25] <wolfie> daniel stone nm
[00:25] <wolfie> you're the one that was whining so much
[00:25] <thom> DanielS: i think your feelings on the subject are pretty well 
known :P#
[00:25] *** wolfie knew your name was familiar
[00:25] <DanielS> you people recognise me?!?
[00:25] <DanielS> jesus
[00:25] <wolfie> yes
[00:25] <wolfie> you bitched so much
[00:25] <wolfie> how could we not?
[00:25] <DanielS> bah
[00:25] <DanielS> ben collins is a complete fuckwit
[00:25] <thom> DanielS: your whinings on advogato _and_ d-d make it kinda 
tricky not to

I believe you went on to call tbm a 'fuckwit' also iirc.
probably me too, *shrug*,
tbm and benc are great people, I guess I should be honoured to be
considered fuckwits along with them.

for someone that is looking to get packages sponsored, dam approval,
wants to be an AM, et al. you dont really play well with others.

> Basically, I said some stuff ... how to put it?
> I don't dispute what I said in those emails with Ben Collins; the basic
> gist was right,
> if you just cut through the random ranting abuse. While I still think
> what I said is entirely
> correct, I 'spose that was a lesson in the fact that a) email like that
> is memorable, and b)
> http://lists.debian.org - archives. If it was the me, now, writing those
> emails, then, I would
> be a lot more diplomatic. I still think what I said is more or less
> true; I just try and not say
> stuff like that to -devel much these days.

well -devel is certainly not the "nicest" place around, but still
you tried hard.


here's your reply -
stop YOUR shit
[blah blah]

I suppose your revised "diplomatic" version of this would be
"Stick it up your bumhole, halt your waste" ? no idea..

> I think I've matured since then. It's too bad that the flames with BenC
> is what everyone

yes well, flames are far more memorable.

> remembers; since I don't think it fairly reflects on me, now. Anyways,
> due to the reasons
> above, and the fact that this year of school is now head-down, arse-up,
> I'm too busy
> to be bothered with stacking Debian on my plate; besides, I'm not going
> to pass DAM
> (even being rejected would be preferable to being ignored) anyway - so
> what's the
> point?

and with such a fatalist aloof attitude..
who can question the dedication.

> I am still looking for a sponsor for my packages, I have no intention of
> withdrawing them.

have you ever heard the expression "dont bite the hand that feeds?"

> I would like to contribute to Debian, but obviously I'm not going to
> pass DAM, so I
> withdrew (the only thing I've heard from Troup in my life was, after I
> withdrew, when I
> asked him on IRC why he stalled me, he said "you've withdrawn, now let
> me work on
> other people's apps" - I wouldn't think ignoring emails would've been so
> hard, but hey).

bottom line:

you're an NM, you've contributed nothing to debian so far,
you've done nothing but piss off people, create a poor image,
and push people away from you. Sure we all get pissed off sometimes.
but the consistency with which you do it makes rubidium atoms
envious. it seems that you take every opportunity to complain
and make a fuss. THIS IS NOT PRODUCTIVE.

from the irc.ins.net.uk MOTD
o  Using this server is a privilege, not a right.
   If you dont like it or its opers, use another server.

Are we obliged to you? no.

Debian is made of people, most of us never meet IRR (in Real
reality), so even if someone is mature there, we don't know.
we can go on how we see them act on IRC and in mailing lists.
its not just a matter of personally liking someone, sure
but there's no reason to make things hard on yourself.

P.S. please cut your columns at ~70.

 - brian.

Brian Russo      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian/GNU Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.debian.org
LPSG "member"    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.lpsg.org

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