> On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, James A.Treacy wrote:
> [snip]
> > If you'd like, I can up the mirror rate. It's currently once per day for
> > the bulk of the pages. The only exception is the bug lists which get
> > updated four times per day. The pages are only updated once per day as I
> > didn't see the need to it any more frequently and there are so many
> > files in the distribution that it really chews up some cpu and ram
> > during the updates. 
> I'd prefer having a command to force immediate mirroring of the pages. The
> pages don't change very often, but when the change, I want to get them
> up-to-date ASAP :-)

If you are not already doing so, you probably want to use rsync for this, 
since it only copies the changes.  If you want any help setting it up, drop me 
a line.

N.B. The --delete option can be a bit counter-intuitive (read dangerous) on 
pre-1.6.4 versions of rsync.

Cheers, Phil.

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