--On Tue, Oct 13, 1998 1:41 pm +0200 "Philipp Frauenfelder"
> > "Anyone who releases software using the GPL does not consider 
> > these restrictions bad, because it prevents others from making 
> > money off of their hard work while allowing others to use it."
> > 
> > I understand it like this: "Anyone who releases software using 
> > the GPL does not consider these restrictions bad, because it 
> > prevents others from making money off of their hard work while 
> > not sharing their work with the public."

Jules Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Whilst the sentence you give is correct (more or less - the GPL doesn't
> restrict distribution for profit, merely licensing for-profit - a subtle,
> but important difference), I don't think that it is in fact the desired
> meaning.

Hmm.. Richard Stallman's rationale focussed on "Software Hoarding" being
bad -- that since the cost of reproducing software is infitesimally
small that it's economically bad [as an aside: bad, in economics,
is usually equivalent to "extremely inefficient" or "tending towards
extreme inefficiency"] to collect a lot for the activity.

With this in mind, I'd be tempted to phrase the sentence as:

"Anyone who releases software using the GPL does not consider these
restrictions bad, because they force people making money off their
hard work to share that work with the public".


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