On Mon, Oct 26, 1998 at 11:18:10PM -0500, James A. Treacy wrote:
> get -S -O - http://www.debian.org/devel/people | head -2
> --23:03:44--  http://www.debian.org:80/devel/people
>            => `-'
> Connecting to www.debian.org:80... connected!
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> 2 Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 04:03:45 GMT
> 3 Server: Apache/1.3.3 (Unix) Debian/GNU
> 4 Vary: accept-language
> 5 Cache-Control: max-age=86400
> 6 Expires: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 04:03:45 GMT
> 7 Last-Modified: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 06:46:58 GMT
> 8 ETag: "3a1823-14295-35e65262"
> 9 Accept-Ranges: bytes
> 10 Content-Length: 82581
> 11 Connection: close
> 12 Content-Type: text/html
> 13 Content-Language: it
> 14 
>     0K -> ..<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//IT">
> <HTML lang="it">
> I do not believe the Vary: header should be returned in this case.
Actually, it should whenever content negotiation is being used. In reading the
apache docs it isn't clear to me how the precedence of the language variants is
decided when there is no Accept-Language header given. I would think that
LanguagePriority would play a role, but it doesn't appear to. In the case above,
the LanguagePriority is set to
        LanguagePriority en fr de

Under the section on 'Apache Negotiation Algorithm' in
I would think that either the backup (people.html) or 406 should
be returned in this case.

Either I'm not reading things correctly or apache is screwing up.
What do other people think.

Jay Treacy

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