I'd agree except that the part I'm referring to are not a part of the social 
contract.  The change is just in the intro to the contract.  I can post this 
to -private if you like, but I don't see the need for it.  Actually the 'We 
are Debian..' sounds Borg-ish... maybe something more subtle like

"Debian, the producers of the Debian GNU/Linux system, have created the 
'Debian Social Contract' which is a set of commitments that we offer to the 
free software community.


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "James A. Treacy" writes:
>On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 11:24:50AM -0500, Nils Lohner wrote:
>Sorry if I'm being pedantic, but the social contract was approved
>as is, so we really should at least mention any suggested changes
>on debian-devel.
 See above.

>> I'd like a few changes to this page.  I'll go through them one at a time, 
>> and justify them as well.
>> . "We are Software In The Public Interest, producers of the Debian 
>> system. This is the "social contract" we offer to
>> the free software community."
>> This needs to be changed to 'We are Debian, ...' or something similar.  
>> Debian != SPI, but Debian is affiliated with SPI.  Also, name the soclail 
>> contract explicitly.  That makes it sound more official.  How about:
>> "We are Debian, the producers of the Debian GNU/Linux system. This is the 
>> 'Debian Social Contract' which is a set of commitments that we offer to 
>> free software community."
>> . Split this page into three pages, a page stating what the social 
>> and DFSG are, and then one page for each of the documents.  This is 
>> important because it establishes each as a separate document, and also 
>> because as Open Source grows we want to be able to point people 
>> and directly to the DFSG.  [I know that this will take a lot of redoing 
>> links to the DFSG, but I think that it it important to split the pages... 
>> sorry!]
>Splitting the page in three isn't a problem as it doesn't change the 
>BTW, many links already point directly to the DFSG: 
>Do you still want the split done?
  Yes, I'd like to see it on a separate page... maybe www.debian.org/DFSG 
for the DFSG etc.  Having them separated makes each one more important IMO.  
Plus, each can be printed directly from the web pages and handed out at 
shows etc :)

>> . Please add (to the page for the social contract and the DFSG) a notice 
>> the bottom stating that
>> "Other organizations to derive from and build on this document.
>> Please give credit to the Debian project if you do."
>> This is a request from Bruce Perens, the author of the documents.  
>> Apparently this used to be on the page, but disappeared at some point 
>> the rewrite.
>This also needs no approval and is already done.
>I'm curious about the statement 'this used to be on the page' as the text 
>currently on the page is exactly what Bruce requested. Oh well.
  Hmm... he mentioned this in a discussion a few weeks ago.  Oh well :)

>BTW, the text added is actually:
>  Other organizations may derive from and build on this document.
>  Please give credit to the Debian project if you do.
  Great, thanks.

>Jay Treacy

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