James A. Treacy wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 03:33:11AM -0800, Darren Benham wrote:
> > 
> > I don't think most of us use :pserver: after the first time.  It seems as if
> > CVS_USER isn't being set...  I'm wondering if something didn't change in the
> > server side config....
> > 
> After a repository is checked out, the cvs commands uses the CVS/Root file
> to find the repository so I believe :pserver: is still being used even if
> you don't type it in explicitly.

In my case this is impossible:

finlandia:/var/log/smail# grep pserv /etc/inetd.conf
#cvspserver      stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/bin/cvs    cvs -b 
/usr/bin pserver

You are however probably right if s/o changes CVSROOT or something.

> The problem with the name on the mail started about 1-2 days before we first
> contacted you, Joey. Since nothing changed on our end we suspect that it
> is due to a change on the server.

Hmm, did Jason install a newer version of CVS that behaves differently?



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