On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 11:28:29PM +0200, Tommi Vainikainen wrote:
> Now Debian front page looks bad[1] with new rounded boxes, because I've
> told Netscape my preferred background color.

Can you please elaborate how exactly does the web site look worse than
before with your setup? I can't see any big difference, except for those
eight little images used to round the corners.

(I wonder how do the other web pages look, with color settings ignored that

> If things such as these would be in CSS file, everything would look good
> for everybody[2].  CSS gives users more power to decide how things should
> look like, that's why I like it.

If we set aside the images problem (non-transparency), you're saying that if
this layout was made with stylesheets, the browser would let you pick how to
display which elements and which elements characteristics to ignore, in a
more fine-grained manner? Sounds nice...

victim of some lame firewall settings of my upstream ISP :/

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