On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 08:14:26AM +0000, Esteban Ruiz wrote:
> In http://packages.debian.org/testing/x11/xserver-svga.html.
> There is an extra '>' included in the link.

The following patch should fix this problem, as well as the link
on the python-mxdatetime page.  It probably won't apply cleanly
due to cut-and-paste whitespace munging.  You can find a copy of
the new version in my home directory if you feel like using it
(or just let me know and I'll install it myself).


--- /org/packages.debian.org/htmlscripts/pages.pl       Thu Mar 29 14:05:34 2001
+++ pages.pl    Fri May  4 09:51:50 2001
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
                        $short_desc = $package{$pack}{'short-desc'};
                        $long_desc = $package{$pack}{'long-desc'};
-                       $long_desc =~ s,<(http://[\S~-]+?/?)>,\&lt\;$1\&gt\;,go;
-                       $long_desc =~ 
s,(http://[\S~-]+?/?)([)]?[']?(\&gt\;)?[.\,]?(\s|$)),<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>$2,go;
+                       $long_desc =~ 
+                       $long_desc =~ 
s,(http://[\S~-]+?/?)((\&gt\;)?[)]?[']?[.\,]?(\s|$)),<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>$2,go;
                        $long_desc =~ s/\A //o;
                        $long_desc =~ s/\n /\n/sgo;
                        $long_desc =~ s/\n.\n/\n<p>\n/go;

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