Em Mon, 21 May 2001 18:16:25 +0000
Mário Henrique Cruz Tôrres  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

>     Good night, my name is Mario Henrique Cruz Torres and I'm using
> debian for 6 months or more, before this I used Conectiva linux and Red
> hat Linux. I only want to thanks all the people working on Debian
> project by this excelent OS.
maybe this would be better in -project =)

I saw the '.br' in your email and wondered if you know about the
debian-user-portuguese mailing list, do you?

try http://www.debian.org/international/Portuguese or
http://debian-br.sourceforge.net for information about Debian in 
portuguese =)


       Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: <http://www.debian.org>            |  (___)  |
| : :'  : | Debian BR.......: <http://debian-br.sourceforge.net> | < o o > |
| `. `'`  |                  Be Happy! Be FREE!                  |  \ ^ /  |
|   `-    |             "Think globally, act locally!"           |   (")   |

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