On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 09:00:25AM -0700, Matt Kraai wrote:
> On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 05:47:59PM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> > On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 02:49:46PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > > James A. Treacy wrote:
> > > > A quick look did not show me where the following problems come from:
> > > > 
> > > > Looking into http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/l10n.en.html
> > > >   http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po-Pa : Error = (404) Not 
> > > > Found
> > > >   [many more identical lines snipped]
> > > > 
> > > > Looking into http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/team-po.en.html
> > > >   http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po-Pa : Error = (404) Not 
> > > > Found
> > > 
> > > The problem seems to arise from international/l10n/data/unstable:

> Are the language codes and country codes always two characters?  If so,
> you could use the following:

yes they should. But the script have also to handle partially broken packages :(

>      my $regexp_for_lang_code = 
> "(([a-zA-Z]{2})([-_][a-zA-Z]{2})?(@[^\.]*)?)(\.[^\.]*)?";
> It's not perfect but it is better.

I've put this regexp in the script and removed the DB from my machine, so
that it is completly regenerated this night. Will see if it works.

Thanks, Mt.

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