On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 05:49:55PM -0700, Debian WWW CVS wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs/webwml
> Module name:  webwml
> Changes by:   joy     01/06/07 17:49:55
> Modified files:
>       english/template/debian: navbar.wml 
> Log message:
> moved the top images to the left, added mirror drop list to the right of
> them; made the images link to / and removed the home button

There. :)

BTW this will enlarge all of the web pages for a kilobyte or so. Oh well.

I'd have changed the navbar images, too, however, I figured that adding
another image would require some hacking at first, since I couldn't possibly
be able to build the sitemap.*.gif images for all of the languages.

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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