On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 12:46:51AM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote:
> from english/contact.wml:
> <dt>Selling Debian CDs</dt>
>   <dd>See the <a href="distrib/cdinfo">information for CD vendors</a>.
>   Information regarding new vendors is sent to
>   <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>.</dd>
> But shouldn't email address be [EMAIL PROTECTED], as said in
> distrib/vendors.wml?

I'll do a mass fix in a minute.

On related note, I found that four (4) translators declared their
contact.wml to be in sync with English 1.23 yet they still had [EMAIL PROTECTED]
listed as the address for the web pages. WTF?!

Oh and don't even get me started on those that haven't updated it in
months... :(

> Or would it be better only to include link to distrib/vendors from contact
> page as vendors page also mentions needed information?

Maybe, but that wouldn't be fair to the other pages that are in the same
position, more or less. Nor to the viewers, arguably.

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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