
At Fri, 3 Aug 2001 08:47:27 +0100,
Ed Lazda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know if you're aware of this, but your UK web page 
> www.uk.debian.org thinks it's in Chinese and doesn't display properly 
> in MSIE 5. On one system it even tried to download Chinese language 
> support.

Perhaps your web browser is configured to prefer British English
but it doesn't prefer (general) English in any priority.

Please read
http://www.debian.org/intro/cn.en.html .  It reads:

> One thing you need to be careful of is using sub-categories of
> languages. Using 'en-GB, fr', for example, does not do what most
> people expect (if they have not read the HTTP specification). A
> server that receives a request for a document with a preferred
> language of 'en-GB, fr' when both an 'en' and 'fr' version exist
> will serve the French one. It will only serve the English document
> before the French one if there is a version of the file with en-gb
> for the language extension. Thus, you should configure your browser
> to send 'en-GB, en, fr' or simply 'en, fr'. It does work the other
> way though, e.g. a server can return en-us when en is requested. 

BTW, this is *very* frequently asked questions, although the explanation
is available at the web page.  Are there any way to ignore country
extensions at the web server side?

"Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

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