
On Tue, Aug 28, 2001, Alexander Sawallich wrote:
> I've been receiving a lot of Spam lately and I think it originates from the
> fact, that I accidentally used my two most precious email-adresses with the
> debian-user-mailinglist.

 Are you sure about that fact?  Most spam I get is through mailadresses
I used in usenet postings, next to none is through mailinglist postings.

> I know that you're busy people and that you propably have a lot better stuff
> to do, than helping me out with my unimportant issue, but I would be very
> thankful if you could offer a few minutes to edit the following threads. It
> would make me sleep a lot better.

 No, we don't change the history.  It was always clear that the
mailinglists are archived, and that they are public.  Removing messages
could make the whole thread useless because the context wouldn't be
clear anymore.

 Furthermore changing the text would mean that we change the history,
too.  It could even become a legal problem, because not all the messages
you want us to change were written by you.  You don't really have the
right to claim anything about messages other write (like the replies).

 Finally http://lists.debian.org/ is not the only place where the
mailinglists are archived, and we don't have access (we don't even know
about!) to the other places where they might be. So again, we would
just tip over the tip of an iceberg which isn't worth the work at all.

 Besides all this, who tells us that the Alexander Sawallich you are
talking about in the archives with the different mail-address isn't a
different person?  So last but not least you can't really prove that you
are the respective owner of your own messages, can you?

 Btw, you wanted your last name removed, but mailed it again to the next
mailinglist that is archived - quite funny :-)

 So long,
 You never learn anything  |   /"""""\                   ,'~~.
   by doing it right.      |  / chaos \  alfie.ist.org   |o ?~\
           -- unknown      |  \inside!/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /_   ~<\
                           |   \_____/                   \__,~ \>

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