On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 02:22:29PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> [Please CC me on replies]
> Hi.  As the developers on the list know already, we're working on
> policy to put crypto in main.  I'm writing a FAQq on this.
> First, I would like  to  confirm that I can get support from
> debian-www to  put the FAQ on the Debian website once ready and
> public. 

Of course, though I don't know where exactly we'd put it. I think
http://ftp-master.debian.org/ would be the place to look (cf. the
pool FAQ). We could make a direct link from www.d.o/devel to there.

> Second I have a few questions.  What format should the FAQ be in?
> Currently it's plain text but I don't really want to write in raw HTML
> (insufficient abstraction/logical structure).  Do we have some sort of
> template we've used for FAQs in the past?

Whatever format that we can publish :) By default, we use WML which is
basically HTML. If you want to use SGML, it can be done, too.

> Also, as more of the crypto documents get ready, I'd like to work with
> you to allocate   URLs for permanent copies of the documents that the
> FAQ will reference.

What other documents would those be, exactly?

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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