On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 02:15:46PM +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:
> Well, it's bad to have many outdated pages, but as long they have the bold
> warning of "This translation is very outdated", I don't think it's a
> critical problem.
> Jordi
        In fact, that's what I made it for :) In any case, IMHO outdated
translatioss are by far better than no translation. Just image you go to a
country (say Japan for example) and you have and old map of that country in
English (lets say of about 20 years ago). Would you throw away that map an
buy a current one in Japanese. Answer is: no (if you do not know japanese).
You might buy a Japanese map, an keep your outdate one to compare them and
be able to infer information of a language you do not know of. Still, far
better than trying to figure out the harikana (sp?) symbols by yourself!


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