
On Fri, Sep 21, 2001, Christophe Delpierre wrote:
> Hello , Sir
> pardon my poor english but i Tried !

 No problem there, your intention is quite clear.

> I ve make a big mistake i want just send this email to the employed of
> the company !!  :-(((

 Well, It could have been a mistake or intentionally, you could tell us
whatever you like.  What's the truth is most of the times something in

> I Know a lot of people have a fun  of this mistake and it's good , It's
> a good Joke but now my boss have find it with google  8-(( !!
> Google is very good !

 Yes, google is good.  And it was always clear that our mailing-lists
are archived publically, for history, for beeing able to search for
problem solutions and so on.

> Can you please remove this email to the archive !!

 No, we don't do such things.  Removing your mail would make Christian
Marillants reply quite senseless in the archive, wouldn't it?  You sent
the mail to the list, it's there, and we won't change the history.  It
was never a secret that our lists are archived, and people sending there
have by that agreed with it, like an almost all mailinglists that are
there available around the globe.  Otherwise they shouldn't mail the

> Thank's

 Thanks for your understanding,
Gerfried Fuchs
[part of the project, but no authority]
P.S.: This mail was also archived, for listarchives is a synonym for
 You never learn anything  |   /"""""\                   ,'~~.
   by doing it right.      |  / chaos \  alfie.ist.org   |o ?~\
           -- unknown      |  \inside!/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /_   ~<\
                           |   \_____/                   \__,~ \>

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