On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 13:05:03 +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:

> While we are at it - is it true that there is no way to set it in
>konqueror?  I have searched the preferences of it but haven't found
>anything there...  Someone who can confirm/decline that?  

It seems that Konqueror gets its preferred language from the language
setting in KDE's control center.  I've set up KDE to use English, but
just changed it to Danish and voilĂ ! www.debian.org now shows up in
Danish when using Konqueror.

Apparently there is no way to set up more preferred languages for use
in Konqueror - not very user friendly...

>Maybe we
>should write something up about that too 

Good idea.

>and even bug the package if
>it's really not able to do so...

Someone already did this on kde.org - it's categorized as "wishlist",


Regards, Kaare - <http://www.nightcall.dk/>

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