What is the proper mailing list for this be discussed? This discussion
should be moved there.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 06:45:46PM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> There is a link from the front page to Installation Instructions,
> which takes you to a link below the fold on the Installation page. I
> think it would be better to take you to the top of that page, because
> then you can see the list of architectures and check out the Ports
> link for your arch before proceeding to the manual.
I agree, but I'd rather see the link be to a much shorter page.

There is a not so fine line between sites that have only one screenful
of information per page and sites that have huge pages. For me,
http://www.debian.org/releases/stable is 12 pages long - much too long.

I'd like to see each of the links at the top of the page be to a
separate page:
    * General Information
    * Release Notes
    * New Installations
    * Errata
    * Reporting Problems
    * Credits

One minor nit about this page is that it is not clear what someone who
is upgrading should go.

Also, there are two ways to handle having multiple arches: have each
section have links to the pages for each arch (as is currently done) or
to have the user select once what their arch is. I know it would be a
big change but feel that the second solution would make life easier when
installing. On the other hand, it would probably make the life of those
writing those pages much harder.

James (Jay) Treacy

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