On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 04:40:28PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> David Marín Carreño wrote:
> > Hi. I'm writing a PHP-based suite for my firm (that will be released
> > under GPL) and I'd like to include a block showing the last DSA announce
> > messages (as if it were an RDF file).
> > 
> > The Recent Alerts section in Debian Security web seems to be
> > automatically generated. Is the file used to generate this section
> > available for downloading from Internet?
> Please poll www.debian.org/security/ and/or cvs.debian.org/...
> by a script on your own, I guess that's more feasable.
> Btw. this belongs do [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I send this to debian-www@lists.debian.org also...

No joey, IMHO a debian rdf file is better. And I don't also talk, I also
write some diff. 

I don't know webwml, please check this all.

security.rdf.wml in webwml/english/security:
! #use wml::debian::recent_list
! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
! <rdf:RDF
! xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
! xmlns="http://my.netscape.com/rdf/simple/0.9/";>
! <channel>
!   <title>Debian security news</title>
!   <link>http://www.debian.org/security/</link>
!   <description>last debian security alerts</description>
! </channel>
! <:= get_recent_list( $(CUR_YEAR), '6', '$(ENGLISHDIR)/security', 'rdf', 
'dsa-\d+' ) :>

and with 
! --- template/debian/recent_list.wml.orig        Sat Dec 29 23:04:31 2001
! +++ template/debian/recent_list.wml     Sat Dec 29 23:26:31 2001
! @@ -326,7 +326,11 @@
!  #      print STDERR "title: $title rdate: $rdate\n";
!        $rdate = newsdate($rdate);
!        $title =~ s/(DSA-\d{3})-\d{1}/$1/; # strip off the revision in the DSA 
! -      $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$rdate]</tt> <strong><a 
href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong> $elemfoot$desc<br>\n";
! +      if ($format =~ rdf) {
! +        $str1 = "<item>\n <title>[$rdate] $title -- $desc</title>\n 
! +      } else {
! +        $str1 = "$elemhead<tt>[$rdate]</tt> <strong><a 
href=\"$year/$base\">$title</a></strong> $elemfoot$desc<br>\n";
! +      }
!        last;
!      }
!      elsif ($title && $date && !$is_events) { # for News/ and not events/

and if I make a 
$ wml -q -D CUR_YEAR=2001 -o UNDEFuEN:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   security.rdf.wml
in webwml/english/security, I will get:
! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
! <rdf:RDF
! xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
! xmlns="http://my.netscape.com/rdf/simple/0.9/";>
! <channel>
!   <title>Debian security news</title>
!   <link>http://www.debian.org/security/</link>
!   <description>last debian security alerts</description>
! </channel>
! <item> <title>[13 Nov 2001] DSA-086 ssh-nonfree -- remote root exploit</title>
!  <link>http://www.debian.org/2001/dsa-086</link>
! </item>
! <item>
!  <title>[20 Oct 2001] DSA-085 nvi -- Format string vulnerability</title>
!  <link>http://www.debian.org/2001/dsa-085</link>
! </item>
! <item>
!  <title>[18 Oct 2001] DSA-084 gftp -- Information Retrieval</title>
!  <link>http://www.debian.org/2001/dsa-084</link>
! </item>
! <item>
!  <title>[18 Oct 2001] DSA-083 procmail -- insecure signal handling</title>
!  <link>http://www.debian.org/2001/dsa-083</link>
! </item>
! <item>
!  <title>[18 Oct 2001] DSA-082 xvt -- Buffer Overflow</title>
!  <link>http://www.debian.org/2001/dsa-082</link>
! </item>
! <item>
!  <title>[18 Oct 2001] DSA-081 w3m -- Buffer Overflow</title>
!  <link>http://www.debian.org/2001/dsa-081</link>
! </item>

IMHO this is ok.

If someone will add this, he should maybe add a new www.debian.org/rdf/ dir and
put other rdf's in this dir (like debian news, events, votes, ...)

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.

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