
 While updating english/MailingLists/mklist.tags I noticed some things
that sounded quite strange to me.  It's the paragraphs about
unsubscribing and subscribing:

See the <a href="./#subunsub">mailing lists</a> page for information on
how to subscribe using e-mail. An <a href="unsubscribe">unsubscription web
form</a> is also available, for unsubscribing from mailing lists.


See the <a href="./#subunsub">mailing lists</a> page for information on 
how to unsubscribe using e-mail. An <a href="subscribe">subscription web 
form</a> is also available, for subscribing to mailing lists.

 ... isn't the second sentence in the wrong paragraph?  Shouldn't the
subscribe form be in the subscribe string and the unsubscribe for
mentioned in the unsubscribe part?  Or is that intentionally?  It
doesn't really make sense to me this way: Mentioning to read how to
subscribe by e-mail but then offering the unsubscribe formular, and the
other way round...

 Just curious,
No Jolt and no Musik makes Alfie go crazy ...
                    -- kw in #debian.de

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