On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 10:57:46AM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 09:18:47PM +0000, Matthew Bell wrote:
> > >  - 2.2r3, 2.2r4, etc
> > 
> > I believe these are called point releases. Perhaps the 'r' standing for
> > 'release' is misleading; perhpas it should be a 'p' or '.'?
> The "r" is meant to be "revision", I think.

I'd suggest using 'minor revision' or 'security revision'.

> > >  - distributing debian (the current title of /distrib/ is
> > >    'Distribution'. Ugh)
> > 
> > hmmm...*searches through thesaurus*: acquisition; source; supply;
> > suppliers?
> In that list I'd prefer acquisition, but somehow that doesn't sound simple
> as it should :)
What is wrong with 'getting Debian'? The point of that page was to have
one place with information on ftp servers, CD vendors and downloading
iso images. It allows a single link from the main page (which then
simplifies that page).

> > > One thing that would help is having a debian dictionary page. Key words
> > > could have links to the appropriate entry in the dictionary the first
> > > time they are used on pages for general consumption. This would have the
> > > added benefit of forcing the translators to think carefully of how they
> > > translate some key words and to then translate them consistently.
> > 
> > Who _should_ be naming things? Do we need a MS like marketing division?
> > One name for the techies and another for the website? or just let the
> > people who deal with the public decide?
> Some people decide better than others...
All it needs is someone with the energy to start it. Others will then
give their suggestions (or start flames over points they disagree with :). 

James (Jay) Treacy

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