Hi folks,

        Attached is an update for the file:

        I've updated it to reflect the extension in the voting
 deadlines, and also added some details about the quorum.


<define-tag pagetitle>Debian Project Leader Elections 2002</define-tag>
<define-tag status>V</define-tag>
#use wml::debian::template title="<pagetitle>"

  <td valign="top"><strong>Time Line</strong>:</td>
  <td valign="top">
  Nomination period: February 6th, 2002 to February 27th, 2002<br>
  Campaigning period: February 28th, 2002 to March 23rd, 2002<br>
  Voting period: March 24rth, 2002 to 23:59:59 UTC on April 16th, 2002
  <td valign="top"><strong>Nominations</strong>:</td>
  <td valign="top">
    <li>Bdale Garbee [<email [EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
        [<a href="platforms/bdale">platform</a>]
    <li>Raphael Hertzog [<email [EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
        [<a href="platforms/raphael">platform</a>]
    <li>Branden Robinson [<email [EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
        [<a href="platforms/branden">platform</a>]
  <td valign="top"><strong>Debate</strong>:</td>
  <td valign="top">preliminary transcripts:
    <a href="http://beta.hardware.no/~tfheen/debian-debate.html";>HTML</a>,
    <a href="http://beta.hardware.no/~tfheen/debian-debate.txt";>plain text</a>
    Many Thanks to Ben Collins for conduting the debate, and to Rob Levin 
    and OPN for allowing us to conduct the debate on their network.
  <td valign="top"><strong>Quorum</strong>:</td>
  <td valign="top">With 939 developers, Q=15.32155, making a quorum of 
 <td valign="top"><strong>Outcome</strong>:</td>
  <td valign="top">
 It must have been some unmarried fool that said "A child can ask
 questions that a wise man cannot answer"; because, in any decent
 house, a brat that starts asking questions is promptly packed off to
 bed. Arthur Binstead
Manoj Srivastava     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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