On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 06:33:31PM +0300, Mikko Kukkanen wrote:
> I did not agree anything...
> I just send mail to you if I could get help with my problems (that I did not
> get) and now I found out that you post your emails to that page.

Like I said, the email address you sent your email to is a public forum.
Sorry, but we make it clear in our documentation...

> I ain't gona like this... I strongly recommend that you remove those, there
> is no help for anyone if they are there and there is much harm for me if
> they stay there.

Other people can see the discussion and perhaps learn something from it,
like you perhaps did.

I don't see what's harmful for you there. What's wrong?

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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