Ok. First attempt. How about the following page (attached)
        which should be placed under /misc/ ?
        If everyone agrees I will commit it to the CVS sources...



On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 11:29:23AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Le Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 03:37:43PM +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña 
> écrivait:
> > However, we currently only do a small writeup listing them under 
> > http://www.debian.org/misc/related_links. Also, some of the listed 
> > distributions
> > (such as Corel or Stormix) are not any longer available. 
> > 
> > Should we write a long page (maybe under misc/) related to this 
> > distributions?
> > Is it worth it? 
> Yes, it's something that I always wanted to see. Go for it ! ;-)
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
> Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-based distributions"

<H2><a name="basedon">GNU/Linux releases based upon Debian</a></H2>

<p>There are a number of distributions based on Debian, some users
might want to take a look at these distributions <em>besides</em> the
official Debian releases for some reasons (better localization support
for their language, specific hardware support, etc.)

<p>Debian welcomes and encourages organisations that want to develop
new distributions based on Debian, however, it asks this distributions
to, in the spirit of Debian's <a href="$(HOME)/social_contract">social
contract</a>, contribute their work to the main distribution. So,
ultimately, all users can make use of such improvements.

  <LI><a href="#debian-jp">Debian JP</A>

# <LI>Eagle Linux m68k,
# <url "http://www.eagle-cp.com/www/m68k.html";> [in German]

  <LI>PingOO, <url "http://www.linuxedu.org/";>

  <LI>Linux-YeS, <url "http://eugene.mplik.ru/doc/lys/";>

  <LI>M.N.I.S. Linux, <url "http://www.mnis.fr/";>

  <LI>Linux Router Project, <url "http://www.linuxrouter.org/";>

  <LI>Floppix, <url "http://floppix.ccai.com/";>

  <LI>Dlite, <url "http://opensrc.org/dlite/dlite.html";>

  <LI>Libranet, <url "http://www.libranet.com/";>

  <LI>Progeny Linux, <url "http://www.progeny.com/";>

  <LI>Embedded Debian, <url "http://www.emdebian.org/";>

  <LI><a href="#demolinux">DemoLinux</a>

  <li>KNOPPIX, <url "http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/";>

  <LI><a href="#storm">Stormix Technologies' Storm Linux</A>.

  <LI><a href="#corel">Corel Linux</a>


<H2 name="debian-jp">Debian JP</A>

<p>Debian JP is a volunteer-driven effort intended in making
Debian-based distribution oriented towards japanese
end-users. Improvements include internationalization of the Debian
distribution, all changes being later contributed to the main project.
The project started distributing <a
href="$(HOME)/News/1998/19980828">a set of packages</a> for the
<em>Hamm</em> distribution and now provides <a
href="http://www.debian.or.jp/CDROM.html";>Cdroms</a> based on the
official releases.

<p>It can be retrieved from the <url "http://www.debian.or.jp/";>Debian
JP</a> pages (mostly in Japanese).

<H2><a name="storm">Storm Linux</a></H2>

<p>Storm was a Debian distribution based on Linux which <a
href="$(HOME)&News/weekly/1999/27/">appeared on 1999</a> (the first
alpha was released on <a
href="http://old.lwn.net/1999/0708/a/storm.html";>july</a>). Stormix,
however, <a
href="http://old.lwn.net/2001/features/Timeline/?month=jan";>filed for
bankrupcy in the year 2001</a> (some more information about this on <a
href="http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=01/01/27/1451236&mode=nocomment";>newsforge</a>). Stormix
received some good reviews (such as <a
href="http://linuxpower.org/display.php?id=162";>this one</A> and <a
href="http://www.gnulinux.com/articles/stormix.shtml";>this one</A>)
but the distribution is no longer available.

<p>Storm was available at Stormix Technologies' Storm Linux website,
<url "http://www.stormix.com/";> (no longer available)

<H2><a name="corel">Corel Linux</a></H2>

<p>Corel developed a distribution based on Debian bundled with its
WordPerfect and other Corel software. Corel chose Debian because
<em>(..) it offers an excellent fit with the company's existing
customer base and Linux mission. Debian has a solid charter, a strong
worldwide developer base and a thorough testing period</em> as
described in its <a
It was released on <a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/1999/44/">november
1999</a>, after a few public <a
href="http://old.lwn.net/1999/features/CorelLinux/";>betas</a> which
did open some discussion due to the fact that Corel had elected KDE
for it's GUI and KDE license issues where not yet solved within
Debian. Three different editions were published from 1999 to the end
of the year 2000. However, in the year 2001 it <a
it's intention to spin-off the Linux distribution.

<p>Corel Linux was available from <url "http://linux.corel.com/";>.
User's wishing to upgrade to newer Debian releases can use, as a guideline,
the <a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2000/25/mail#2">Corel to Debian
micro-howto</A> published in Debian support mailing lists.

<p>However, afterwards it has been licensed to a new company called
Xandros Corporation <url "http://www.xandros.net";> (see the <a
release</a>), a company which includes some of the developers and
architects of the original Corel Linux. The Xandros Desktop operating
system will still be based on Debian (as described in its <a

<h2><a name="demolinux">Demolinux</A>

<p>Demolinux is a distribution that allows user to run Linux without
installation, disk partitioning and any other issues since it works
out of a bootable CD-ROM. Demolinux includes the GNOME and KDE
environments, Enlightenment, StarOffice, lots of games, development
tools, and a full load of utilities. It is probably the best
distribution to use if you want to just give Linux a try and see how
it works and what can it offer you.

<p>Since the 2.0 version it is <a
(yes, the 3.0 version is <a
Debian based).

<p>DemoLinux is available from <url "http://www.demolinux.org/";>, you
can get the CD images from <url
"ftp://www.demolinux.org/pub/demolinux/";> (but please try first some
of the <a

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