on page http://www.debian.org/ports/mips/  in section Mailing List
  • [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux/Mips and Linux/Mipsel for all archs not only SGI.
    Subscribe via mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with "subscribe linux-mips".
    This no longer appears to be a valid Mailing List.
    E-mail from Ecartis
    >> subscribe linux-mips
    No such list 'linux-mips'

    For information on what mailing lists are available on this
    site, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'lists' in the subject
    or body.

    Valid command was found in subject field, body won't be checked for further commands.

    Ecartis v1.0.0 - job execution complete.

    I e-mailed back with 'lists' in the subject line and unfortunately no 'mips' mailing lists are available from [EMAIL PROTECTED] anymore.  Although there are several linux/SGI related mailing lists available.
              SGI Linux distribution SGI Open Source project
    for example.
    I thought someone would want to update this.

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